Friction materials are used in many types of applications. Most of us associate friction material with automotive brakes and clutches. We are not involved with this segment of the industry.

There is also friction material made from sintered metal used in heavy off road equipment such as earth movers. We are not involved with these either.

Another category of friction material are paper products such as used in automotive automatic transmission and off road equipment. Once again we are not producing these materials.

The market that Hibbing Int’l serves is the industrial market. This covers a broad range of applications ranging from a small stamped friction washer that might be used in a window shade to a large friction gear tooth ring used in a stamping press. There is also a need for replacement friction parts for obsolete equipment which must be custom made.

The largest category of our customers are OEM (original equipment manufacturer). These are the companies that produce products such as overhead hoists, crane brakes, tension control brakes, material handling equipment, metal forming equipment etc. If it stops or goes it probably has some type of brake or clutch. Even a simple fishing reel contains friction material for the drag control.

To serve all these types of applications the proper material must be selected for maximum performance and durability. That is why it is important to work with a supplier such as Hibbbing, who has had th

For the after market or service end of the business we can often help you. Perhaps you have an obsolete piece of equipment and the replacement friction is no longer available from the OEM. We may be able to help you even if it is one part. If it can be easily cut from a piece of sheet stock one of our stocking distributors can supply you with material to fabricate a new part. We must look at this type of work on an individual basis. Give us a call and we promise to try and help you.

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