There are many companies offering friction materials, but we are told we are the only company that not only offers the materials, but solutions to their problems.

The majority of problems that customers encounter are:

1. Noise
2. High wear
3. Low performance such as low torque or slow stopping
4. High wear against the mating member

Here are some examples of the problems we have solved:

A major forging plant was experiencing 7 months life on their OEM friction brake block. Not only are these blocks expensive, but the down time for replacement was costly. Samples of friction blocks from major suppliers of friction material including ourselves lasted just a few weeks which was no improvement. Our R & D group developed AA-14 in an effort to increase life. Blocks were made from AA-14 and were still running after one year. At the end of the year they were removed and the wear was only one millimeter. They have since been re-installed and is still running. Since developed AA-14 has also been very successful in other applications where high wear was a problem.

In the industrial market there is a large demand for gear tooth rings. These are friction plates which have gear teeth either on the OD or the ID. At one time the only way they were made was to mold a ring and bond it to a plate which had the gear teeth cut into it. Later developments had th

The paper mill industry has always had a need for tension control brakes on the re-winders. This has always been a tough application due to high temperatures causing brake fade, noise, and glazing. A new generation of disc brakes do

Often there is a need for an arced friction for drum type brakes for use in a crane or similar application. For small brakes flexible roll type lining could often be used. When you got above 1/2 inch lining it was preferred to use a molded lining which could be mandrel bent to arc in a semi-cured state. This often resulted in cracking and crazing when you had tight arcs. These problems got worse as the thickness increased. Once again our R & D came up with a solution our HF-9 compound. This material has been bent into tight arcs up to one inch with no cracking or crazing.

The metal forming industry uses a lot of thick friction blocks in metal forming machinery. It was these applications which was the bassis for the creation of Hibbing Int'l.

All of our suppliers had difficulty in supplying void free blocks which always showed up durring our maching operations. This created enormous quantities of rejections. The first problem for Hibbing was to develop a void free material whether it be thick or thin. The result was HF-36 the standard by which other blocks are judged. To assure a void free product, we are the only company to the best of our knowledge to employ ultra sound testing of our products to detect invisible internal voids.

The bonding of industrial friction material can be a blessing or a curse depending on the abilities of the bonders. Too often a shop with an oven, c-clamps and a can of adhesive class themselves as bonders. Sometimes the res

1. Longer life
2. Eliminates machining of material and riveting process
3. No rivet holes to align.
4. No drilling or counter-sinking ( A weak link)
5. Eliminates gouging or scoring of brake surface
6. Quick turn-around time
7. Lower life cycle cost

So, as you can see, we listen and then solve problems. Usually, we can give you an answer within a day or two as to what we can do. If we feel we cannot solve your problem we will always try to help you find a solution even if it means sending you to a competitor. We not only want your business but your respect for our honesty.

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